Tuesday 1 July 2008

Barkly Homestead to Elliot via Tennant Creek

If you read yesterday's blog you would have read about my (silly) thoughts about why there was less carnage in the Northern Territory than over in Queensland (beautiful one day, perfect the next...). I have since had a talk to my 'neighbor' Bob from Ingham, what he says makes a lot of sense: On these roads now we have up to 90% tourist vehicles. Tourists don't drive at night - most of the road kill are nocturnal animals, coming out at night. There is very little commercial traffic at night, hence more 'roos stay alive. Whether that is the 'whole' truth I am not sure but that it is a strongly contributing factor, that I do believe.

I left Barcly Station this morning heading west to intersect with the Stuart Highway, (about 186km according to my GPS) which leads north, all the way to Darwin. I did have to turn left though to head south as I wanted to get some more drinking water and get some cash from the Westpac ATM at Tennant Creek. Having done that, I turned around to backtrackon the 25km to Three Ways, where I had come from and then continued further north for about 250km to a little place called Elliot. Just a few houses along the Highway, petrol station at each end, a Hotel in the middle charging like wounded Bulls, a 6-pack for $20. Well, when you have a monopoly, you can get away with it. It does not entice you though to come back or to recommend the place. A question of making a quick buck without any long-term plans.

The road, particularly the section towards the Stuart Highway, just scrub either side of the road, no outstanding landmark, as a result my eyes get tired just looking at the same scenery without interruption.

The campsite here at Elliot is surrounded by bush, the owner has lots of peacocks running around the grounds, so that adds a bit of colour.
Tomorrow, on to Katherine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Papa Peter,

es ist schön, zu verfolgen, wo Du Dich so herumtreibst! :0)
Und daß es Dir gut geht!

Nur wir wundern uns ein bißchen, wie rastlos Du bist, und wie schnell Du von einem Ort zum anderen fährst? ;0)

Haben nun auch unseren Australien-Trip gebucht:
- kommen am 22.10. in Perth an, bleiben dort 2 Nächte, und fahren dann mit einem Camper Richtung Süden
- fliegen dann am 31.10. nach Sydney und bleiben dort bis zum 07.11.
- dann gehts weiter nach Bangkok für ein paar Tage, bevor es dann wieder nach Deutschland geht.

Haste eine Idee, wo Du zwischen dem 22.10. und 07.11. weilst?

Wäre ja schön, wenn wir Dich irgendwo treffen könnten!
Freuen uns!
Viel Spaß auf der weiteren Reise und bis bald!

Pilli & Sabine